Welcome to The Grand Oaks Resort, we are located in the beautiful town of Beechworth N.E Victoria surrounded in an array of natural & historic sites. The Grand Oaks Resort is situated on the grounds of the old historic asylum, with stunning grand oak trees amongst our picturesque gardens. We believe it is the perfect place for us to host your special day, your happily ever after.
We are delighted that you are considering celebrating your special day here with us and look forward to working with you to make your wedding day truly memorable, for years to come.
Please contact us on 03 57282618 to coordinate your special day.
Please complete the form below to submit an inquiry about your special day.
The Grand Oaks Resort
22 Oak Avenue, Mayday Hills, Beechworth, Victoria 3747
ABN 89 665 409 512, trading under The Grand Oaks Resort and Oak View Restaurant
Liquor licence #31922475
Reception: Daily, from 7:30am – 4pm
After-hours please call (o3) 5728 2618
Coffee 7 days a week 7.30 am to 2pm
Brunch Sat and Sunday 9.00am to 1.30pm.
Bar Snacks Thursday to Monday 4.00 to 5.30pm.
Cocktail Hour 2 for $25.00 Thursday to Monday 4.00 to 5.30pm.
Dinner Thursday to Monday 6.00pm to 8.00pm.